Telus Health, Telus’ health and medical subsidiary, launched its digital Virtual Pharmacy service in Canada on Monday to make prescription pharmaceuticals more accessible to Canadians.

Through a single interface, the patient can manage their medications as well as speak with a pharmacist via video or audio. It will also handle any medical insurance payments and only charge the user for what isn’t covered.

Telus claims to deliver the drugs within one to three days, and delivery is free across Canada. It also keeps track of your progress and sends out refill reminders. If the patient takes more than three pills per day, the service will organise the medications into individually sealed MedPaks labelled with the date and time of each dose.

According to a Telus press release, a third of Canadians missed picking up their prescription drugs on schedule in the previous year due to their hectic lifestyles. Nearly 60% of them claimed it had slipped their minds, and nearly 50% said family and work commitments had taken precedence.

Because of their ease, online pharmacies have grown in popularity in recent years. However, according to Health Canada, 74% of online pharmacies in North America are untrustworthy. Furthermore, 74% of Canadian sites get their drugs from outside the country. To avoid receiving low-quality, ineffective medicines or having your personal information stolen, use a trusted service.

Telus, which has become a household name in Canada thanks to its telecommunications and other businesses, is leveraging its established reputation to beat out competitors like Pocketpills. The service’s no-strings-attached signup is also appealing to users.

Except for Quebec, Telus Virtual Pharmacy is available in all Canadian provinces. Joining the service is completely free. It’s available on iOS and Android via a mobile app. In the next months, a French version will be released.

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